Living the Good Life Naturally BLOG

Unlocking Radiant Skin: The Benefits of Transdermal Magnesium in Your Beauty Routine
Magnesium is often referred to as the beauty mineral due to its numerous benefits for skin For the last 20 years, my focus has been on the importance of minerals for your body, starting with soaki...
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“In everything I do, I view it through a unique perspective: it’s all about soaking in magnesium and reducing friction.”- Kristen BowenFounder and Living The Good Life Naturally The journey to heal...
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Magnesium & The Sunshine Vitamin
Magnesium Soak & Vitamin D Go Hand in Hand Soaking in Magnesium has been shown to play a role in activating stored vitamin D levels, supporting healthy bones, and helping to maintain healthy ...
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What's Next - 30 Day Magnesium Soaking Challenge
Have you completed your 30 Day Magnesium Soaking Challenge and are unsure what to do next? Understanding Your Magnesium Burn Rate What is a Magnesium Burn Rate? This is how fast your body bur...
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Taking action is key to creating health. There is no such thing as maintaining health. You are either moving forward or moving backward. "Your habits will determine your future" -Jack Canfield
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Studies show that sunshine decreases insulin levels. Function at full capacity by getting out into the sunlight.
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Vitamin D plays such a foundational role. Not only is vitamin d good for your bones, but it is also good for maintaining gut health.
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