Living the Good Life Naturally BLOG

Four Beliefs That Keep Your Body Stressed And Sick
Four Beliefs That Keep Your Body Stressed And Sick If you do not recognize the broken belief your nervous system cannot heal. My number one tool for this is journaling.
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Twenty Ways To Reduce Stress 1. Take a nap2. Rebounding3. Walking4. Whole food B-12 5. Hug someone6. Call a friend 7. Deep breathing 8. Energy bounce 9. Tsp honey 10. Journaling ...
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Overwhelm is not an emotion! Overwhelm is a result of a habit that stops you from creating health. Overwhelmed is the symptom of a habit. It is not an emotion. Let's unpack that. I'm going to say...
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Stress creates cortisol levels to rise in our bodies, signaling a fight or flight response. Did you know that there are foods that can help walk you toward cleaning up that cortisol?
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