Living the Good Life Naturally BLOG

A strong morning routine HELPS YOU MAINTAIN YOUR MAGNESIUM LEVELS "When things are put in the physical form and you accomplish them, it increases your positive self-identity. Women who have positi...
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Diet can play a role in maintaining strong magnesium levels in your body It is so important that we stay current while we optimize health. Our food does not have the magnesium levels our grandpare...
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Unlocking Radiant Skin: The Benefits of Transdermal Magnesium in Your Beauty Routine
Magnesium is often referred to as the beauty mineral due to its numerous benefits for skin For the last 20 years, my focus has been on the importance of minerals for your body, starting with soaki...
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If it came down to choosing between organic or permaculture, I always choose permaculture. Our olives hail from the sun-drenched lands of California, nurtured by the historic, mission-variety trees...
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“In everything I do, I view it through a unique perspective: it’s all about soaking in magnesium and reducing friction.”- Kristen BowenFounder and Living The Good Life Naturally The journey to heal...
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Magnesium & The Sunshine Vitamin
Magnesium Soak & Vitamin D Go Hand in Hand Soaking in Magnesium has been shown to play a role in activating stored vitamin D levels, supporting healthy bones, and helping to maintain healthy ...
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Struggle with hair loss? Here are some resources to get you started. Rosemary (DHT Blocker) Spray 4 sprigs of fresh rosemary 4 cups of water 1 of each tea bag: Peppermint, Tumeric, Nettle S...
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Everyone should read these books at least once in their lifetime. Some I read once and others over and over again. While I do not agree with everything in these books, they have helped form my ph...
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